Rules of exchange

1. Parties to the agreement.

The contract is concluded between the Internet service for the exchange of title signs, hereinafter the Contractor, - on the one hand, and the Customer, represented by the one who used the services of the Contractor, - on the other hand.

2. List of terms.

2.1. The Executor is an electronic currency exchange service that provides services to Users by means of a special program interface located on the Internet at
2.2. Customer is an individual who agrees to the terms and conditions of the Contractor and this agreement to which he joins.
2.3. Title sign - a conventional unit of this or that payment system, which corresponds to the calculations of electronic systems and denotes the amount of rights corresponding to the contract of the electronic payment system and its Customer.
2.4. Application - information transmitted by the Customer for the use of the Contractor's funds in electronic form and indicating that he accepts the terms of use of the service offered by the Contractor in this application.
2.5. Exchange rate - value ratio of two electronic currencies when exchanging them.
2.6. Title units reserves are the amounts of Electronic currencies or money available to the Service for services. The amounts of reserves are specified on the Service website on the home page.

3. Terms of the agreement.

These rules are considered to be organized due to the terms of the public offer, which is formed at the time of the Customer's application and is one of the main components of this contract. The public offer is the information displayed by the executor about the terms and conditions of the application. The main component of the public offer are actions taken at the end of the application by the Customer and indicating his exact intentions to make a deal on the conditions proposed by the Contractor before the completion of this application. Time, date, and parameters of the bid are created automatically by Executor at the moment of completion of this bid. The offer shall be accepted by the Customer within 30 minutes from the end of bid formation. The service contract shall come into force at the moment of receipt of the title units in full amount specified in the application from the Customer to the Contractor's details. Transactions with title units shall be accounted according to the rules, regulations and format of electronic settlement systems. The Agreement shall be valid for the period which is set from the moment of submission of the application until termination on the initiative of one of the parties.

4. Subject of the agreement.

4.1. The Contractor undertakes to exchange title units according to the rate indicated on the Internet site, from the Customer, after the person submits the application and does this by selling title units to persons wishing to purchase them at the amount indicated in the application submitted by the Customer. The Executor undertakes to transfer the funds to the details specified by the Customer.
4.2. The Contractor has the right to change the exchange rate of the title units at its own discretion and notify the Customer thereof by posting information on the changes in the exchange rate of the title units on the Contractor's website in advance.
4.3. The Application created by the Customer on the Internet site shall indicate the rate, method of exchange, as well as the total amount of funds or title units to be transferred.

5. In addition.

5.1. If the amount received on the account of the Executor differs from that specified in the application, the Executor has the right to delete the application before finding out the exact amount of payment and require the Customer to confirm the involvement in this payment by providing evidence of the Customer's involvement in the payment.
5.2. The exchange and return of title deeds cannot be made if the application is processed.
5.3. If the title signs are not received from the Customer to the Contractor's account within the specified period, from the moment of the Customer's application, the agreement between the parties is unilaterally terminated by the Contractor, as the contract does not come into force. The Customer may not be notified of this.
5.4. If there is a delay in the transfer of funds to the details, specified by the Customer due to the fault of the settlement system, the Executor shall not be liable for damages resulting from the long receipt of funds. In this case the Customer must agree that all the claims will be presented to the settlement system, and the Executor assists to the best of its ability within the limits of the law.

6. Unforeseen circumstances.

If during the processing of the Customer's application unforeseen circumstances arise that contribute to the Contractor's failure to fulfill the terms of the contract, the terms of execution of the application shall be postponed by the corresponding period of force majeure duration. The Contractor shall not be liable for overdue obligations.

7. Disclaimer.

7.1. The contractor has the right to refuse to enter into a contract and execution of the request, and without giving any reasons. This clause applies to any customer.
7.2. Service is not responsible if the client uses a custodial wallet when exchanging.